Survivor blog Listening

Moving on to the sixth episode, listening seemed to be the key factor between the two tribes. Their seemed to be mostly hearing going on among  the tribes and  the members were using minimal cognitive focus throughout the episode. In the hunahpu tribe, there was more talking than listening between the members which hurt them in the long run. For example, the tribe was running scarce on food so they went ahead and asked for some kind of trade in order to have another bag of rice. Jeremy, however, had a more practical way of dealing with the food shortage.  He wanted to wait it out rather than give away their shelter for a bag of rice. Unfortunately, the group seemed to listen more to their stomachs than Jeremy’s rational plan and went ahead with the trade.  Soon after losing their shelter, the weather changed for the worse  causing the group to have to sleep in the rain. They also ended up winning a meal after competing in the first challenge. The tribe would have been better off if they would have listened to Jeremy.

After losing to the Hunahpu tribe, the Coyopu tribe once again had to select who to vote off the island. Knowing that he was next to be voted off, Dale decided to try to convince John to consider voting for Missy instead. Desperate for Johns alliance, Dale told John that he would give him his idol if he does not end up  going home. Little did John know, Dale pretended to have the idol in order to gain some leverage with him. After hearing Dales plan, John had to really decide who he should have an alliance with. In the end, John went with his gut and voted Dale off the island.