Survivor Blog Numero 10

1. I submitted all my blogs on time, so 5.

2. I did post on people’s blogs, but not consistently, so 3.

3. I tried looking for class concepts throughout the episode, but most of the show was entertainment rather than group capabilities, so 4.

4. I understand the theory, that for those who aren’t the best at participating can have a voice online, but if you are in a communication class, I think you need to get over that. I consider myself an introvert, but I made it my duty to be proactive and communicative in class. I can’t honestly endorse the blogging, but like I said, I do recognize the relevance.

5. Improvements could be made if the blogs actually felt like it was a group assignment rather than attempting to utilize more technology within the course. I did feel slightly apathetic in that sense. I could get over it and just do it, that’d be my only means for improvement.

6. I liked the concept, but not really the execution. The chapter presentation really solidified your knowledge within one chapter and the blogs encourage the reading of the others. That worked well.

7. I didn’t like doing it ultimately, but that’s because I am a lazy person. Nothing against the premise really, it was just a case of operator error.

8. No comments, at least no constructive comments could be taken into account from me. I don’t think that people had a problem with it, and after the initial struggle of getting people on board, I think most people ended up liking it.