1. On a scale of 1-5, I would probably rate myself a 3 just because in the beginning, I wasn’t really turning in the blogs. But towards the end of the semester I got a lot better with this and turned in all of them on time.

2.On a scale of 1-5, I would rate myself a 5 on this aspect because every time I posted on my blog, I would make sure to comment on someone else’s blog post. I thought this was actually very beneficial and I got to learn a variety of perspectives on the same topic.

3.On a scale of 1-5, I would rate myself a 4 on integrating class concepts into my posts. Only because in the beginning I wasn’t really sure what the posts had to include , due to my laziness. After two or three posts though, I would always include at least three or four examples from the show that would relate directly to the chapter.

4.Overall, my strengths for the blogging and participation would be my effectiveness to incorporate class concepts into the show and my active engagement with other student blogs. Towards the end of the semester, in almost every scene of Survivor, I could relate something directly to our textbook.

5.I could improve with my blogging by being more persistent overall with the amount of posts. I only did 6/10 of the posts, and I wish I participated in all of them.

6.The main thing I liked about blogging would be the fact that I got to  see what my classmates got out of the show and how it differed from my perspective. Everybody had something different to say.

7.To be honest, I didn’t really dislike anything about blogging. I typically enjoy doing them.

8.I wouldn’t really have any suggestions for the assignment, except for future students. I would suggest that they participate sooner in the week, rather last minute, because it just makes the experience better for everyone and more students will be able to get feedback from their classmates.