Survivor Blog Post #2

On this show of survivor, episode 2, things between the tribes started to get more intense.  Things got emotional after Nadya’s sister found out she was kicked off the island, she was left feeling alone. Her tribe supported her and made her feel better, and as a group thats what you do, you support eachother. But as the challenge continued, athlete John was put to battle against  his girlfriend. The battle was a bit complicated but his girlfriend end up wining, and he got sent to exile island. Jeremy was sent to exile island with John. Them two made a deal since they were both in the opposing team with each others wife. Jeremy offered to protect Johns wife if John agrees to protect Jeremy’s wife Val in return.   After coming back from exile islands, both tribes were faced to compete with eachother and some with their love ones. Things got emotional when Baylor battles against her own mother. I feel that her own mother felt bad for hurting her daughter so she lost on purpose. I noticed that when i comes to battling, they put aside their feelings and fight for their tribe, in this situation Baylor’s mother lost for her daughter and for her tribe.  At the end Val and Baylor are both in a tough situation off getting voted of the tribe, Val for not having a immunity piece and Baylor for pretending to  alliance with the girls. At the end Val was the one sent home. Referring back to this week chapter, Baylor was just trying to be liked in her tribe, she tried becoming the favorite when in reality she just wanted to be in the safe side with everyone.