Survivor Blog Post #2 Ch 3

Episode two starts out with a recap of the last episode where Nadia from the orange team got voted off. The first conversation that happens includes Josh and Baylor. Josh explains why he put Baylor’s name down. Josh, since the first episode has shown his need for control and that he is a social member. The book says control need is usually done by someone who wants to be the group leader. Josh has already in a way been pronounced as the group leader which is why his need for control and making big decisions makes sense. He also showed that not only does he work with groups of people like the boys but also works one on one when making the decision to write down Baylor’s name, in favor of his relationship with her.

A second example of group membership that happens in the second episode is when Jeremy and John are alone on the island together. They both show affection need, during this episode. Not exactly toward each other to make a good relationship between the two of them but to ensure the safety of their loved ones. So they desire to trust and like each other so each works to keep loved ones safe.

In the end of the episode, tension is revealed between the orange tribe. Baylor and Val are both put on the spot. Baylor is called out for being a fake alliance with the girls when she is really siding with the boys. Val is called out because she really doesn’t have an immunity piece and because of her lie, Val is sent home.  Baylor is seen as a under personal member of this tribe. This is because she makes fake alliances and when she is found out she does not share her honest feelings and does not own up to her actions. I see Val as more of a personal member only because she cares somewhat about what her group members think but is more to her self and lied to her members. This just shows she really doesn’t care too much of the relationships shes making in the tribe but more of her own self advancement.

Claire Campagna Group Comm 220-02