survivor Blog Post #4

Episode 5 in Survivor, Blood is Blood, was different than the previous episodes. Relating to our last class meeting we got to see who was the characteristics of each person in the tribe. At first everyone was shocked that Drew was gone, but even more shocked to find out the tribe members where changing. One tribe, Hunahpu , was the tribe were all the single members with their love ones out of the game were put together  with only one couple. Coyopa was the tribe with the ones that were together with their love ones and only one single person. Their next activity was surprising because i thought that Coyopa was going to win since they were together with the person they came with and didn’t have to worry about hurting their feelings. But unfortunately they lost! The winning team was Hunahpu, the team of strangers with no blood or feelings uniting them, just the simple goal of wining. The host even said, “wow there is more communication in the team of strangers than the team of lovers. Well something like that. After the challenge, Baylor and her mom were cooking rice, and Dale was bothered because they kept cooking more rice than they were suppose too. Here You can tell that Dale is a THINKER because he thinks before he acts, along with his daughter Kelly who at the end was the one voted off. John and Jaclyn are the extrovert ones in the tribe because they are the only couple liked and safe from being eliminated. Like Dale said they are the hottest couple on the island. Dale and Missy had problems because Baylor told Missy that Dale has been on her trying to get her out the tribe, but that is only because Baylor tried voting Dale out the first time. Both were fighting for their children. My opinion is that Baylor should had been the one voted out instead of Kelly because she tries to be liked and getting everyone on her side.