Survivor Blog Post #6

Survivor today was called Million Dollar Decision was a surprising episode. At the end Julie ended up quitting from the challenge because she felt alone and stuck in a hole. Chapter 6, Verbal and Non Verbal had a lot to do with this episode. In this episode both tribes were combined, so everyone was in one single group. They called it Huyopa. Once all together there was arguments about whose getting voted out next. It all seemed that they were teaming up to vote Jeremy out. By his facial expression you could tell he was very uncomfortable and mad. Julie on the other hand was alone with out John while the rest was with their loved one or family. She did a selfish move by stealing the trail mix and keeping it to herself and not sharing with anyone. Once the tribe found out she had stole it everyone face expression was in shock and pissed of because they were hungry and she was hiding the food. Julie knew she had done a mistake and that mistake had her feeling guilty so she was confident that they were all going to turn their back on her. So before she got voted out she made the decision to quit. By quitting she risked someones else chance of winning the money and putting Jeremy into more risk of being eliminated. Once Jeremy found out he was super mad, while others were happy.