Survivor Blog Post #8

In episode 9 of survivor, members begin to use leadership roles to their own personal advantage. At the beginning of the episode, it is clear that both Jeremy and John are the players with the most power. After winning the first challenge, Jeremy and Natalie decide to make a strategic move by switching places with John and Jacklyn who were on the losing team. Their tactical move is most accurately identified as an example of servant/functional leadership. Jeremy and Natalie gave up a meal and trip on a yacht to thank Jon and Jacklyn for their loyalty. They believed their selfless actions would be to the benefit of the group in that it would better unite them as a whole, ultimately strengthening their alliance.

However, after Jeremy is sent to Exile Island and realizes that Jon has been withholding an idol, Jon uses leader-member relations in order to promote his own plan. Jon chooses to confess to Missy that he has idol and reveals that he is fearful Jeremy will use it to plot everyone against him later in the competition. By confiding in Missy, a member of his own alliance, he tries to mobilize his plan and attempt to recruit others to execute a main goal. In the end, it appears his idea was successful when Jeremy was unexpectedly blindsided and voted out.