Survivor Blog Post #8

This survivor episode got me mad. John has turned very selfish. In this episode relates again to our communication, especially leadership. John wants to become the leader. Him and everyone else are intimidated by Jeremy who seems to be the leader and the most strongest player in the team. Everyone rest in the team want wants to vote either Jeremy or Keith out, mostly Jeremy. In the challenge they had, Jeremy’s team won. Their prize was a ride on a ship with food and drinks. Natalie was on the Jeremy’s team and chose to give her position to John. Then Jeremy chose to give his spot to Jaclyn. I was surprised, but more surprised by Jeremy cause he knows John doesn’t want him. Jeremy shows that he is a good leader, looking out for everyone, and a strong competitor.In return, the winning team sends out Jeremy to exile island, that was wrong i believe. When John went to exile island he found the immunity piece but he didn’t tell anyone. He didn’t even bother to tell Jeremy who was looking like crazy. John wants to be the leader that he only cares about himself, he didn’t appreciate the favor that Jeremy did. That why in a challenge you cant trust anyone cause no one has your back. Reed on the other hand is against Keith, he goes through his bag and finds a clue to immunity so he realizes that Keith has the other immunity and goes around telling everyone. His intention is to vote Keith out and form alliance with the rest so he can be safe. At the end there are arguments between Reed John and Keith. But Jeremy gets voted out. Sometimes the strongest member of the group can be the biggest enemy because the rest of the team members want to be the leader.