For this episode, the focus is on group motivation and it relates directly to the chapter. Ultimately, each tribe member is only going to focus on their own needs instead of the group because they want to win the challenge. Natalie in particular demonstrated this idea because she is determined to find the idol on the island in order to vote off John for revenge. However, all of the other tribe members feel the need to stay close to John because in his opinion, he is the “alpha male”.

Also, John seems to demonstrate some of the characteristics that describe a Dominator in the textbook. Numerous times he interrupts others when there speaking and exerts his own opinion and thinks its superior than everyone else’s. He also prevents other from participating or getting their two cents in because his motivation is more manipulated. John also feels “motivated” because of the fact that I mentioned he is alpha male which gives him certain power over the other tribe members. He wants to feel like he is contributing to the group and wants as maybe members to like him.

Another form of motivation from one of the group members is when Reid gives up his feast for winning the challenge because he stated in the grand scheme of things its better for his personal needs to plot the best possible way to get rid of John. I find this to actually be very smart and will work in his favor because he also gained trust from Bailor and her mom from giving up his feast. Overall, this episode related directly to group motivation in many different aspects.