Survivor Blog Post #9

This weeks episode relates to chapter 6-5th edition called, “Group Motivation”. In this episode I see a lot of motivation in the tribe members. For example, Natalie feels anger against John because he made Jeremy get voted out, so her motivation is to find the last idol to get John out. When the two groups did their challenge, there was group motivation. Each team member would cheer for one another and that inspire the rest to try their best and finish the challenge, this relates to Progress; the fourth category of motivators. Every challenge shows how each team member motivates each other, especially between Baylor and Missy. Even though Missy has been on the opposing teams, she always supports her, and sometimes lets her win. After the yellow team won, they received a reward, which was going to baseball field and handing out baseball gear to children. This reward was part of motivation, fighting for a goal.  In this episode John is the problem and has been through out the whole show, Natalie and Reed seem to go through the 4 stages of Creative problem Solving. First they investigate, they realize John is their enemy. Second, they use their imagination and comes up with plans. Natalie plans to find the last idol and Reed plans to convince everyone to vote for John. Third, they go through incubation, where Natalie goes to Baylor  to form alliance and seek more ideas to vote John out. Reed, goes to Missy and other’s to convince them to vote John out. At the end, they go through the last stage, Insight, where they figure out the idea. In Natalie’s situation, she and Baylor follow the map and start looking until they found the last idol. Unfortunately,   John as an idol so he is saved from termination. So Wes is the only one who is left and is voted out of the tribe.