Survivor Blog#2

After watching the third episode of survivor, I noticed different types of member roles  in the two groups.  Hunahpu won all of the challenges leaving the Coyopa tribe the burden of deciding who to vote out of their tribe. So far, Nadiya, Val, and Jon got voted off the Island.

Following Benne and Sheats functional group roles, I was able to distinguish the different member roles each individual from the tribes portrayed. A few members seemed to play a self-centered role while the other members demonstrated maintenance roles.  The first role that caught my eye was the “deserter,” from the self-centered role section in the text. Drew, from the Hunahpu tribe, showed signs of being the deserter by getting frustrated about braiding the palm leaves that was supposed to help with ensuring  that the rain wont seep through the roofing. He then stopped contributing by taking a nap while the rest of the group members continued to do the work. Because of this, he failed to pull his own weight in the group.

Keith was portrayed as having task roles when he was sent to exile island. To me, Keith seemed to be the information giver and coordinator because right away he suggested eating snails that was easy to retrieve. Baylor however,  was the special interest pleader because knowing  that there was a good chance she would be voted off, she tried encouraging all of the tribe members to vote John off the island and laid out several reasons why he should go home. Everyone in the Coyopa tribe  was seen as opinion givers and seekers by giving their notion on who to send home.

Dale, from the Coyopa tribe was the encourager/supporter by motivating each contender from his tribe as he sat by the sidelines while they were competing against the Hanupu tribe. By doing so, this helped promote confidence within his group to succeed. Even though, the Coyopa tribe did not win, hopefully we can see Dale’s motivation towards his tribe payoff in the next episode.