Survivor Conflict

In episode 3 we see conflict begins at the very beggining in the Hunaphu tribe everyone is frustrated because they have now found the flint that Jon had lost the episode before and they had given up there fishing gear for a new one. They are now hungry and have frustration within themselves for the fact that they wouldn’t have to deal with that if they wouldn’t have lost the flint in the first place.

Later  in the show Keith tells the girls on his team that Jeremy has the Idol, when he is not even sure if he does or not. Jeremy finds out that Keith says this about him and he gets mad and says he wants him out the show he could no longer trust him.

Drew purposely makes his team loose the immunity challenge in order to have the opportunity to vote someone out of his team, he thinks that the girls will want to vote the guys out eventually so he wants to vote their strongest girl out which is Kelly.  Drew is causing conflict in the team by trying to take control and demand what needs to be done not taking into consideration that he is being a little rude with his approach. It all backfires when Drew is the one voted off the tribe making his exit out of the show.