Survivor entry #1 suck it up and survive

        The first episode of survivor took place at San Juan Del Sur and immediately the contestants were placed into two groups blood vs. water. The first challenge  was with the couple Jeremy Collins and Val Collins and although both are in highly trained professions Jeremy comes out victorious in the end. After Jeremy sends his wife to the isolated island for two days he was looked at as a strong asset for his tribe Hunahpuh.  shortly after Jeremy was talking about himself as if he was already named the tribe leader by saying  “everyone wants to talk and be cool with the prom king.”

         It was clear that after Hunahpuh’s first victory both sides of contestants were already planning on sides to take. Whether it be with the boys or girls. It was here that the tribe was showing signs of the forming stage because everyone was being nice to each other but just to see who was trust worthy and a good asset for later on in the competition. Unlike Hunahpuh, Coyopa had lost both challenges in the first episode so when it came to having to decide who they were going to vote out first their was a lot of primary tension within Coyopa. They hardly had any time to create a good group bond like Hunahpuh had done because they had lost every challenge so far. So when it came down to eliminating someone it seemed to me like they voted Nadiya out not based on her performance or what she had done wrong but just on the fact that she was on “Amazing Race.”  It was assumed throughout the group that she was untrustworthy due to the primary tension they had within the group.

Another thing I saw a lot of in each tribe was conformity because in both tribes their was one if not more contestants conforming to another in order to create an alliance with someone to help themselves out. For example, in Coyopa I think that the girls only join in with each other just so the rest wont think they have a hidden agenda and  criticize them. In my opinion I thought Jaclyn didn’t really have much to say and just conformed because all the other girls were doing it and she is a follower in my opinion. This was my first time ever watching survivor and it was very entertaining to watch.