Survivor entry 8

the biggest idea that correlates back to our book was the presence of leadership.  In chapter five were given the question “What is leadership? ( Pg 101).  On episode9 its clear who’s the leaders and who are the standouts Jeremy and josh have solidified there stances and are the apparent leaders.  However once a leader or a standout player you unfortunately are targeted until there is no end.  Both of these players were eventually voted against and were sent home.  They both somewhat came out of nowhere and were appointed leaders not by democratic vote but by there strengths and soil sets.  Have uyu ever heard the praise he or she is a natural born leader, well i guess you could categorize them under that phrase.  Jeremy and Josh are leaders who obviously possessed leader charachteristics and as a result became seen as leadership material.

In this episode we see to groups trying to kindle up and solidify there alliance therefore Jeremy and Natalie gave up their winning reward to John and Jaclyn to sort of say thank you for being in their aliance in the last episode. Jeremy is then sent to exile island which he believed would be a good thing because he can then find the hidden immunity idol but he’s not sure if he could find find it because he feels John may already have possession of it. In the end there alliance was all a facade and Natalie and Jeremy’s alliance ended up getting Jeremy voted off.