Survivor Ep 2

The episode begins with the blue team losing their precious flint, Jon, the clown of the group engages in absolving himself by being a self-confessor to his sins.  Despite his failure, he curries the vast majority of the maintenance tasks of his group and will be missed dearly if lost. The blue and orange team meet up and they find the twin sister gone. The other twin, so reluctant and weakened at this finding begins crying and gaining sympathy so masterfully, that she could’ve taught the class on it. In this game, pity is a form of currency and holds its weight in gold. We unfortunately don’t delve too far into the people and their time together to accurately judge their specific role according to Belbin’s theory. The orange team loses and the big guy and the black fireman go to exile island where they from an unconventional allegiance to defend eachothers women. They start the next survival challenge and orange team is determined but loses regardless. The loss is quite the shock and seriously demoralizes the whole group. After the shock wore thin however, the girls began their plotting against one another while the guys rode on the coattails of their schemes. Val, claiming to the whole world that she is safe and has an idol when in reality doesn’t, crafts an usual plan that she somehow believes will pay off royally. I’ll try and explain it but no matter how many times I think about it, it just seems reckless. She convinces the guys to split the votes between herself and the little girl, who had in the challenge previous showed how blatant it was that she didn’t belong there, because it would work in her favor. Self-assured and ready to rock, the voting is implemented and she ends up not revealing the idol, at the great shock of everyone in the group, and then proceeds to get kicked off the island. Unfortunately again, before she had left, she truly rocked the boat of the team and its unity is now faltering hard. So in the end, the policewoman burned some bridges and caused major upheaval within the group right before making her swift exit.