Survivor Episode 3

It starts with Drew from the blue squad being apathetic around his group, which does not bode well for him in the future. The groups come together and it becomes apparent that John didn’t keep his promise to Jeremy to keep his wife safe. Jeremy now wants him out, and his girlfriend counterpart knows that she is in trouble. John admits to everyone that he made a deal with the enemy and spread the seed of doubt about him. The orange team ended up winning the challenge and got fishing gear. John proved useful for getting fish and everything was going swimmingly, no pun intended. The guys alliance was still strong and Baylor was on the chopping block. That is until the next challenge unfolded and orange team lost, yet again. After their loss, the blue team was taunting and hollering about getting rid of John, who apparently was some shadow leader. Due to his sordid past regarding homophobia and racist comments, the people in the group started to see him in a whole new light. At this point, alliances shifted and people started to have a direct conflict with whom they should vote off. I find it very ironic that the most dynamic conflict throughout the entire episode was the blue group harassing the one guy. It was a great look at how much power Jeremy had for himself, because with one word from him, the group fell in line. At this point, due to fear of destructive conflict, they eliminate the most destructive seeming person on their team despite the fact that he was a lot more good than bad. I guess perception is a hard thing to gauge in that sort of setting. At the tribal council, a lot had been said through subtext so that only certain people would understand. After which, the voting commenced and the tribe voted off John who decided against using his idol. The group most likely feels that they will have a shift in the right direction with this blindsided spectacle but I believe that this will affect them way more negatively than they can realize. At the first mistake, people will start to think that everyone might be trying to blindside them so alliances will be very blurry. In all reality, they may self destruct a lot faster than they realize, but that will remain to be seen. Ultimately, they decided who to vote out using a third party spectator, the blue team, so they have now expressed that they are very weak and very impressionable. It will be a tough road for the orange team now.