Survivor Episode 4 – Bye Bye Drew!!!

At the beginning of this episode, the Hunahpu tribe finally finds out that John was voted off the Coyopa tribe and there were a lot of mixed emotions. Natalie seemed very happy whereas Julie, John’s wife, seemed a little mad/sad.  This could lead to conflict in the future if she tries to get back at the other members.

There is group conflict everywhere you turn in this show. One of the first conflicts displayed in the forth episode was when the Hunahpu tribe finds the flint that they had lost and Drew wants ask to trade some fishing gear for it. The whole tribe doesn’t want Drew ask for the trade because they know he’ll get turned down, which he does. That was just the beginning of the conflict Drew starts. Drew decides to throw the immunity challenge because he wanted to start getting rid of the some of the players on his team. He thinks that he is the leader of the team and that he knows how everyone is going to vote but little does he know that the whole team blindsides him and he is the one being kicked off the show. I was extremely happy to see him go because he was lazy and didn’t care for anyone else except himself. He started conflict between his own team and could have potentially ruined the team in the future. I think the team made the right decision. I think this whole situation was a perfect example of affective conflict because Drew struggled for power and thought he had it but in the end, the group resolved it the only way they knew how…they kicked in off.  I strongly believe that if Drew would have stayed on the team there would have been more destructive conflict that arose rather than constructive conflict. I’m excited to see the next episode and to see Drew’s brothers face when he realizes his brother is out of the game.