Survivor Episode 6

The show starts out as usual with a recap of the last episodes main events and challenges.  After a quick recap of the previous show, this episodes drives right into the emotions of the person who had just lost their loved one, Dale. He was very upset at who his tribe decided to vote out. Tension was high in the orange tribe but the blue tribe had almost no rice or food for themselves. In their desperation they asked the host of the show what they might be able to work out or trade in order for them to possible get more rice.  The host comes and tells them that they have to trade in everything that they had previously. They blue team made the trade and got the rice. The first challenge was a one on one challenge with Bailor for orange and Reed for blue. It was a pretty close game until Reed took a lead at the end and finished first winning the challenge. Bailor is now sent to exile islands and Reed wanted Julie to go with her but Natalie wanted to go so she went with Bailor. The blue team is left with no tarp to over themselves from rain. It rained all the next night and the pressure is setting in with all the tribe members especially Julie. In the second challenge the orange team takes a quick lead and is winning most of the time until the blue team comes back for a late victory. This now sends the orange team back to kick yet another member off the islands. Before orange team is sent to vote Dale tells John that if he votes Bailor out of the game and if he does Dale will give him his (fake) idol. The orange team voted Dale off and I think it was a pretty smart choice although i would have liked to see Bailor go.