Survivor Episode 8

The last episode was kind of a cop out because the girl just up and quit so there was no real climax, just tension. The handsome couple are still vying for Jeremy’s neck despite his ignorance and that’s where we left off. I had some expectations that things would change, but nothing drastic so far. The challenge for tacos and brewskis are the division of the group and a directly physical challenge. The team with more men won under the leadership and guidance of Reed, using his loud and confident overseeing voice to push them drowned out Bailor and her unhelpful Go GO GOing that she so loudly expressed. Reed provided construcive and thoughtful aid rather than using adrenaline manipulating ape like shouting which in turn, tired Bailors team out rather quickly and they got sluggish and fell behind. The gay guy makes another attempt on Bailor but she is ruthless in her rejection of Josh, the entitlement of that girl is absolutely stunning. I hope that she gets out, I’m sick of her. Josh is concerned because trust doesn’t mean much at this point so he is worried. On exile, Jon finds an immunity which might be the double edged sword. If he develops overconfidence because of the idol he’s found, his hubris might get him a target on his back. Immunity challenge ensues, no leadership skills are exemplified because it’s individually based, and to Josh’s nightmare, reveals Jeremy to be the winner. I don’t know why Jeremy’s tribe are so ecstatic because if they can’t get Jeremy, they’ll just aim for one of his foot soldiers. This will be crucial, whomever Josh ends up targeting could play a major impact on who votes with who. WOW, a lot of drama just ensued. Bailor who is secretly controlling her mom, who is a total enabler, is going to rescue her daughter yet again. The parenting strategies, which are similar to leadership qualities are seriously lacking in Missy.  Voting time, and unfortunately, all the leadership available can’t quell the hell fury of a woman’s scorn, at the advice of his girlfriend, he turned on the couples. Josh has been voted out.