Survivor Episode 8 chapter 5

The previous episode ended in a way that i haven’t seen before. When Julie quit it really threw a wrench in most of the blue tribe members plans. The tribe is freaking out due to the fact that their previous plans to get either Jeramey or Josh off the islands. The first challenge in the episode was very physically challenging. The tribes were both mixed for this activity and the yellow team was way ahead the entire time and keep it strong till the end and finished before the competing team. There were no clear leaders in the activity but you could hear the positivity that they were supporting each other with. It proved to be a the winning motivation. Most individual and couple strategies are based on personal power rather than position power because each member or couple wants to have earned status within their tribe. Whereas positional power is dependent upon every member of the tribe doing their job. The winning team sent John to exile islands where he found an idol making him a definite leader that carries weight within the groups voting decisions. The guys in the blue tribe are getting on the nerves of the women on the team with their rude manners. Jacklyn is showing her true colors with the women and possible a women alliance in the near future. On the individual immunity challenge Jeramey won keeping himself out of the soon to vote and the two main leaders now have become Josh and Jackelyn. In this episodes tribal council Josh was voted out. Josh was a main leader and a big threat to the rest of the tribe members. John and jacklyn were the swing votes. There is a huge power struggle between two groups with the tribe and it was clear who was in each tribe expect when it came down to where John and Jacklyn stood. Power in the book is defined as ” the ability or authority to influence and motivate others.”