SURVIVOR Episode 9?

After the first challenge, Jeremy and Nadiya decide to give up their winning spots on the yacht to Jacklyn and John. This act was initially viewed as selfless, but upon further analysis, it appears that Jeremy and Nadiya were utilizing their group decision making and problem solving skills. Giving up their spots was a sign of appreciation for John and Jaclyn , but it also was an attempt to solidify their alliances. Even though Jeremy and Nadiya weren’t facing a problem in the present moment, they utilized their problem solving skills to ensure future protection. It seems as though Both Jeremy and Nadiya were Rational decision makers because they quickly concluded that their present sacrifice would be rewarded with future protection. After Jeremy is sent off to exile island, he quickly realizes that the hidden  idol is not there. He becomes suspicious that John has the Idol and begins to question the strength of their alliance. In the group cohesion section of Listening in Groups, one of the four strategies of enhancing group cohesion is the ability to emphasize teamwork: Cohesive group members believe that their combined contributions are essential to group success. In this particular circumstance, Jeremy is under the impression that he and John are in cohesive group relationship. Group conflict is the result of the broken trust of these two group mates. When Jeremy returns, he is certain of John’s deceit. This conclusion alters the course of the show. Reed is becoming increasingly vulnerable to being voted off. He becomes suspicious of of keith and decides to look through his bag wherein he finds out that Keith has an  idol. Reed Tries to form an alliance with some of the girls by revealing what he had found in Keith’s bag. As the number of contestants dwindle, the game has become more intense. Members within both tribes are realizing that the alliances that they have formed are fleeting and that there can only be one winner. Jeremy gets blindsided and voted off. I am so extremely interested to find out how this amazing show turns out! SO GOOD. SO GOOD!!!