Survivor episode two, chapter two

Although this was not my first time watching survivor, it was my first time engaging with the media and applying it to group work which actually made the episode more interesting to watch. In episode two it opens up with an emotional reaction by one of the contestants who her sister to a tribe deliberation. This drama was what the producers had in mind and was a very interesting way of making the competition harder.

The competition  to follow would pin mother against daughter ending in the mother showing her love for her daughter and throwing her win for her team. When the mother injured her daughter in a jousting duel, empathy kicks in and she throws her win, showing nonconformity. To explain further, her tribes main goal is to win the challenge, but by throwing a challenge she is putting her tribes success in jeopardy. She has thrown the groups goal to the wind for her daughters well being, not conforming her her groups peer pressure to take advantage of her daughters injury and win the round. you see a dynamic shift from the performing stage, where everyone is eager to contribute and win to letting emotion get in the way

This action alone creates a domino effect within the group, although small we see secondary tension arise as well as a sense of competence within the blue group.

Deliberations: Baylor gets thrown under the bus meanwhile you have Val who plays both side of the fence and the team seems to go and up against these two. it ends up tied and there is then a revote where we see a few peoples hidden agendas come out. Val is the second person voted out of Blood versus Water. By voting of Val the group must have gotten a sense of power, they feel that voting her off gives them strength and by getting rid of her they are accomplishing something positive.