SURVIVOR EPISODES 1 & 2 – Let the drama begin!

This was the first time I have ever seen the show Survivor and I was not disappointed. I thought this was going to be  a boring, fake reality show but I was wrong.

The theme of season 29 of Survivor is blood versus water. Being that family members are all playing against each other, this makes a lot of sense. Blood symbolizes the bond between the family members and water symbolizes their opponent… the unknown.

At the beginning of the show, the family members are split up into two teams, Hunahpu and Coyopa. This is when group development begins. The initial forming stage of development explores personal goals and group goals when each member of the group try to form alliances and work in groups to win the challenge. During the storming stage, we get a sense of who is seriously competing for social acceptance and leadership. Jeremy acts like everyone wants to form an alliance with him which makes him feel like a leader. There is also primary tension that is arising in Val because she is the first one to be sent to exile island. She does not feel the confidence that the rest of her team feels because she doesn’t get those first couple of days to form alliances. The norming stage is displayed a little bit in the first episode when the Hunahpu team communicates and works as a group to win the first challenge. I think they had better verbal communication and that’s why they won the challenge. The performing stage is just beginning at the end of episode one and into episode two. Each member is starting to realize their roles and adapt accordingly. I believe each group had group motivation because they want to be the team that is safe for another week without having to worry about being voted off. However, the Coyopa team might have lost a little motivation after they lost their second challenge. The whole point of this show is trying to reveal hidden agendas. Whether they want to or not, each member almost always has to have a hidden agenda to survive in this game. If that hidden agenda pays off is never for certain. In Val’s case in the second episode, she had an immunity idol that she was hiding which turned out to backfire on her and she was voted off.

I am extremely excited for the episodes to come. Can’t wait to see who gets voted off next!