Survivor Group Development

This would be my first time watching Survivor and I am already interested in the theme Blood vs Water. After completing the first episode, I am more aware on how the show relates to the four stages in the life cycle of groups, also known as the Tuckman’s Group Development Stages. The forming stage appeared at the beginning of the show when the couples were introduced, giving the viewers a sense of their personal goals. On the first night, after the loved ones were split up and put into their own groups, each member did not know what to expect. The members explored each others different personal goals and group goals as a result of getting acquainted with one another.  Many were eager to show the group their skill set, such as, Dale from the Coyape team. Knowing he was the oldest from the other group members, he knew that in order to show his worth in the group, he had to prove that he was a good asset to the group. In doing so, he was able to be the first one to start a fire by breaking his eye glasses.
As the show progressed, the groups began to move into the storming stage. Members from both groups began to form alliances in order to decide who gets booted off the island.  In the Hunahpu tribe, Jeremy immediately created alliances with a few of the female members in order to keep him safe from elimination. By doing so, Jeremy was able to compete for social acceptance.
After returning from exile island, Val from the Hunahpu tribe, was given information about an idol being hidden by the well. When she returned to her tribe, she ended up finding the idol to save her from future eliminations. Val from the Hunahpu tribe displayed a hidden agenda by keeping this information from her other teammates.

I look forward to see what happens next!