Survivor II

In this episode of Survivor, Chapter 3 is quite evident in many cases. William Schutz, a psychologist who studied and focused on group members interpersonal needs within that group. Schutz developed a Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation Theory (FIRO) that explains needs we share when in a group. The first need is the need for inclusion. We all want to be included and accepted among the people we are around which is exactly what both tribes have illustrated. The second need is the need for control in terms of feeling confident and making decisions for yourself. The last is need for affection as in being well liked.

The Coyora tribe attempt to be included amongst their group when it comes to them losing their battle. In other words, they want to make sure they are included in the getting to game plan against other tribe members and want to be accepted by tribe members in order to not be voted off. For the Hunahpu tribe, the need for inclusion is different because their team is working in harmony. Their need for inclusion stems from the mentality of not wanting to let their teammates down since such strong bonds have developed through the success of their tribe.

The next need from Schutz is the need for control. Several of the Coyora tribe demonstrate their need quite firmly. John Rocker desperately tries to influence the rest of the tribe and seize control since he probably feels the most competent on the team being a former professional athlete. Reed also demonstrates a high need for control as he is constantly aware and strategizing the pecking order of the tribe. I’m sure this takes place in the Hunahpu tribe but winning disguises a lot of flaws.

The final need is the need for affection. I think this need goes without saying is pretty obvious. Human nature is we all want to be liked and loved to some degree. It is no different with both the Survivor teams. At the end of the day, it still is a competition and everyone is looking out for themselves, but they would still like to walk away with friendships and bonds.

John Rocker was voted off and Baylor may be on deck. I think Wes and his buddy are up to something. Seems like they are always in cahoots. Coyora needs a victory! Val needs to be reunited with her husband.