Survivor Season Opener and Group Development

I was wondering why Jaimie was going to make Survivor such an integral part of this class, but my questions have been answered. This first episode perfectly illustrated some key components to the chapter of Group Development such as Tuckman’s Development Stages, group goals and hidden agendas. Tuckman’s Development Stages are an obvious key element in the season opener as forming, storming and performing become focal aspects in the members’ arrive and acclimate to their unexpected new groups. Members like Josh and Jeremy were a perfect example of storming, inciting their confidence and prowess. Everyone takes on the role of  performing, as it is essential for each member to do what they can for their tribe. Dale went above and beyond and showed his dedication to his tribe by sacrificing his glasses to make a fire.

Alliances are always a huge part in these game shows and it was no surprise to see all the members scramble to try and find safety and security in an alliance. As you would guess, hidden agendas are an integral part of alliances. Its all about playing the game and hidden agendas will  surely come into play and cause huge disruptions among all the contestants.

I am excited to see this show unfold and continue to analyze how the different interactions and aspects relate to our course and help me visualize these concepts in a very real situation.