Survivor the 4th

In this edition of Survivor, many things change. Literally, the teams have all switched up and intertwined amongst the two group from prior. Now the Coyora tribe consists of three pairs that are “loved ones” and one considered single because his son (game partner) is now on the Hunahpu team. The Hunahpu tribe only has one pair of gaming partners on that team while the rest are considered single.  There is a lot of mixing and matching different personalities when switching teams in the middle of a reality game show and the characters often get revealed during this process.

The Big Five Personality Traits can help us better understand some of the characters on the show in terms of who they are and how they are playing the game of Survivor. The Big Five Personality Traits are defined as something psychologists use to describe personalities. The first trait is Extraversion which best describes Baylor. I don’t even think Baylor is old enough to have a drink yet, but she definitely asserts herself despite her young age. Baylor’s extravert personality was most evident when trying to put a strategy together against all the girls in her first tribe. Agreeableness is the next trait and this can be seen in  Julie. Julie seems very good-natured and tolerant of all her teammates and does a good job of keeping low maintenance despite dating a former pro athlete. Conscientiousness  fits Dale very well because he seemed like the pioneer in being able to stay disciplined and  preserve food for the bigger picture. The other group did not manage their resources properly and with Dale being responsible, its really paying off in the end. Jackelin gets the nod for Emotional Stability because she seems very calm, cool, and collected. She is with her boyfriend now but her demeanor hasn’t changed much. She never gets too high and never gets too low. Open to Experience is our last once and that goes to Reed/Josh. Both seem broadminded especially when on the same team. They are smart guys who will definitely have a creative strategy going forward.