Survivor..The Merge…What a disappointment

Well as the title states… during this episode, the long awaited merge of tribes happened.  With Jeremy being my favorite contestant on the show, Reid and Josh being mentally the strongest with their ability to solve puzzles easily and efficiently, and Julie being… well Julie… it was a Survivor episode that was full of disappointment for Jeremy fans.  With the next Chapter in our text being Problem Solving… Julie gives the class and the world a great look at what NOT to do.  First and foremost, did I say how utterly disappointed I am in such a despicable survivor performance?  Not only does she let herself down, she let’s her alliance down as well as her “AMAAAAZING” boyfriend John Rocker.  The real kicker is the fact that she let her alliance down.  Coming onto a show called Survivor… for the 27th season, and to quit because you just can’t handle it… excuse my bluntness.. but that is pathetic.  If she would have stayed and helped the people she swore allegiance to, Josh or Reid would have been going home, splitting up what is undoubtedly a power couple.  Instead, without telling anybody, Julie decides to solve her life or death problem of being singled out for hoarding the tribes trail mix, by removing herself from the game and the people whom were counting on her.  Way to go Julie!!! If you’re not brought back for Survivor, Reunion of the Worst Survivors in the History of Survivor… it’s probably because you are in jail for stealing trail mix.  On a lighter note, Drew’s brother (Jeremy calls him little Drew) also displays terrible group problem solving by antagonizing everyone in the tribe to be angry at Julie.  By repeatedly bringing up a negative issue, you are contributing to the problem, not helping it be solved.  Darren Pecora… Over and Out.