Survivor V

This episode of Survivor seemed to be fairly uneventful specifically in terms of how the chapter relates to it, but there was something minor that caught my eye since we have to make the correlation.  The show has been essentially one-sided since it began as the Hunahpa tribe continues its dominance over the Coyora tribe.  Despite the success of the Hunahpa tribe, they have mismanaged their resources and barley have a teaspoon of rice for the entire tribe. The host says he’s willing to make a trade and give them more rice, but he wants everything they have won from prior competitions in return. After the host states his terms, without even thinking the tribe collects their bedding, fire, pots, etc and exchange it for the rice. Meanwhile, Jeremy voices his displeasure with the trade because he feels like they could obtain food by way of other means like the abundance of sea food that they are right next to for the entire show. Julie seemed to be sacrificing by giving up her bedding and shelter because she said sleeping in the rain was the most difficult thing she ever had to go through during her confession time. The show didn’t show Jeremy and Josh rebuttal the trade but it would seem based off the other tribe members reactions that they didn’t really care. To me, this is a combination example of poor listening habits through Pseudolistening and Superficial Listening. Pseudolistening is pretend listening while your mind is elsewhere. It’s like the lights are on but no one is home. Jeremy is a big personality sometimes and I don’t know if he is starting to wear thin on some of the other tribe members where they have tuned out to listening to him. Based on how Julie felt about spending the night in the rain without adequate shelter, I could see how the rest of the tribe might use Superficial Listening when interacting with Julie. She gives off the vibe that she has potential to be a diva at times and her looks could be distracting which not to stereotype but often go hand in hand. It wouldn’t be hard to believe that Julie gets judged every time she speaks.


I may be reaching on all of this, but I’m just trying to figure out why Jeremy and Julie didn’t have a bigger say in the trade because if someone listened to them, the outcome could have been different. Especially since they won the next day and had a gourmet feast compared to what they have been eating. If only they would have known; or would have listened.