Survivor Week 1

The first two weeks of survivor clearly demonstrated how important the process of group development was. The first two proponents of group development were front and center. The forming stage and the primary tension stage are what led to the first two contestants getting voted off of the show. The first contestant Nadiya was voted out because of primary tension.  The other tribe members were uneasy with her because of her previous actions on a different show. The other members did not trust her and you can see that there was not much disclosure with her. There was a lot of short, small talk when she was around. The group as a whole were all being very polite to each other but Nadiya could never advance past the primary tension stage with the group.

The second tribe member that was voted out was Val.  Val ran into a problem because she did not get time to form bonds with the rest of the tribe during the forming stage of group development. Val missed the vital first few days of tribe bonding. Her lacking prescience early on led to the rest of the tribe bonding without her and that left Val as the odd person out. The rest of the tribe was well into the group development process while Val was still attemtpting to get past stage one.