Survivor week 5

The biggest takeaway from this episode regarding the chapter is how much pseudo and selective listening was taking place.  Both tribes displayed very poor listening skills. Starting with the hunaphu tribe, we saw the group attempt to make a collective decision about food. The scene played out as if a few group members had already decided they were going to make a trade with Jeff.  They pretended like anyone else’s opinion mattered but in reality they were only pseudolistening.   Jeremey in particular seemed to have an entirely different than what the other members felt but no one seemed to be interested in what he was saying. You could see the tribe members just nodding as he spoke and then continue on with their pre made decision. The worst part about this action was that Jeremy ended up being correct.  However because no one listened to Jeremey the tribe may have created a disgruntled group member through their destructive listening habits. This may very well come back to haunt them very soon.

The coyopa tribe once again displayed very poor group chemistry. This tribe already had pre conceived notions about Dale and his daughter. This led to lots of selective listening and also the tribe members were listening to evaluate Dale. Everything Dale said from the moment they arrived back from the tribal voting session was under scrutiny.  John did not care about anything Dale said until Dale took out the fake immunity idol. That moment sparked discussions amongst the other tribe members in which everyone was only trying to pick out conversation topics that benefitted them. Did Dale have an idol or not was a hot topic while everything else fell by the wayside. At the end everyone showed that even though they were seemingly evaluating the idol situation, it turned out it was all false. The tribe had already made their decision about the vote and lots of pseudolistnening had taken place. Let’s see what happens next week when the tribes “merge”. Stay tuned……