T series?

Hey Y’all!

Welcome to my life, if your new to my blog, come see what Chengdu has in store for us this time!

For Everyone else whose been following, thanks for keeping up to date. Lets begin

So in this series, I had to deal with tests, testing, trips to real estate agents, and trembling

Midterms week passed by for us and I somehow survived, It was gruesome and honestly not fun. All that studying and not sleeping just wasnt healthy for me. But its over so time to move on! lol

That’s when I got a new photo mixer app that I wanted to test out so Ill try posting the collages I made on here.

Its a couple of recap collages  and a few new collage pictures. I hope you all enjoy the little picture break. :)

Ok so for the past week I had to deal with a alot of bickering and trips to real estate agents to discuss our future home. So trip after trip and talk after talk got us basically no where for a couple of days, till the point of tears.

So on Youtube I uploaded a before and after tour video of our new home! Come check it out! Ill update pictures later on this month, HOPE YOUR ALL ENJOYING YOUR THANKGIVING DAY SOON! ours just started!Enjoy and keep up to date!

