Teaching with Tech!

This blog is the first of hopefully many to come. This website has started as a a project for an Education Technology course that I am enrolled in at Channel Islands State University, in Camarillo, Ca. where I am studying to receive a teaching credential. This Ed Tech course has opened my eyes to the power of technology in the world of pedagogy:

Wondering what other teachers think of the switch to Common Core standards for children?  I can ask my Twitter PLN and get answers from across the nation.

Wondering what lessons to plan?  I can link to multiple grade-specific topics from strategic learning sites that pop up in my online newsfeed.

Additionally, becoming this engaged in social media makes me feel closer to my students. My students will be engaging in social media at an age decades younger than I was able to and at an age far earlier than many parents and teachers may be comfortable with.  But ready or not, this is their world, and their space will almost certainly be largely digital. Do not shy away! Social media can be extremely valuable. Without other spaces in which to gather, without time between work and other responsibilities, having a website with which to check in on children’s activities can be a great commodity that can bring us all closer to the daily progress of the youth of the future in so many ways!