Tech Voices

Both the video and article talk about how technology is advancing. And that we should implement using it in classes to share information and knowledge as well as engage . They also both put forth the thought to share and collaborate on an idea which happens when things are shared among people who notice or have the same concerns.

How ever the article goes into the aspect of being a disciplined digital citizen. School has given us technology to use for creative purposes but they haven’t taught us how to be responsible while using it, that was left up to us. And that is where the problem begins. The younger  generations after us have been much more irresponsible because no one has really warned them. For example people spreading rumors, cyber bullying, and sharing too much with people. They haven’t learned to think critically.

And still some people don’t think critically before posting things online adults included.

The upside to being a responsible digital citizen is that things that matter to people around the world can be shared and solutions to global problems can be solved or reduced in time.