Technology, Data and trending

Smart Blood Pressure (SmartBP) BP Tracker

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This is a free App and what is does is, it keeps track of your blood pressure and allows for convenient storage and trending. The app is straightforward and easy use .This is very helpful if you have hypertension. Especially if you take your blood pressure a couple of times a day. You can keep a log of diet, exercise and medication. You can then plot on your trend graph when you did what. The great thing about this is you can send all the information to your Physician or Clinician. A couple of days before yours scheduled appointment and they can then go over the data and can make decision based on the recorded actual data. Scientist look for trends over time before making a decision as to the effectiveness of an intervention or deciding a different approach. Data is king when making any decision and this app allows you to store and share this data in a professional organized way.