Technology in my Future Classroom

If I am so lucky as to teach in a school that has access to technology I will definitely put it to use! Technology is such an important skill for students to learn. We as a society are moving to a technologically based world and learning to use technology is definitely a needed skill. Students will only be ahead the sooner they learn how to use technology and how to apply it’s use to other disciplines.

I think the best place to start with technology is to apply it to the classroom. For example, students can learn to use Word Processors or GoogleDocs while typing up a piece of writing from class. Once students grasp the basic programs on the computer and understand it within context of the general classroom then we can start to expand to other things. Students will eventually be at the point where they know more than most of the teachers! The key is to get students started early. By allowing students controlled access early on they are more likely to be able to do more advanced things and apply technology to more disciplines later on.

Through this course on technology I have learned more about technology and it’s use in schools. There is definitely a lot to learn from people and schools that are already diving in to technology in education. It can only be expected that technology will continue to grow in schools and will continue to grow in the world. We as teachers need to educate ourselves so we can educate our students and give them more opportunities for success in the world.