Techy Identity

  • What does it mean to have a digital identity?
    • A digital identity means that you have a presence on the internet. You don’t even need to have your own social media accounts to be tagged in photos or mentioned, even though it does make it harder for you to be found.
  • What fact, statistic, statement, etc. from the readings surprised you the most and why?
    • The most interesting facts I thought was the amount of applicants who were denied positions based upon their social media profiles. Because I do believe that people may have a very different work ethic then they do in a personal scenario.
  • How does the fact that you are in (or are seeking) a leadership position impact ones digital presence?
    • With being a Resident Assistant, we are more of in a fish bowl type scenario Once someone sees us doing things that we get people in trouble for, residents strip away our credibility and feel like they can hang that over us and can’t do our jobs properly if we are hypocrites.
  • How do you plan to create your positive digital identity?
    • By filtering what is posted by me or about me. There are multiple settings that can be changed in order to protect yourself. When it comes to your own posting, always think of how things may be interpreted and if things are capable of being seen as negative, don’t post it. Its better to be safe then sorry.