Teen Sex and Media

As the times change so will the people in those times. With that said, I think the media plays a huge roll in teens having sex at an earlier age than in previous decades. Seeing the teen pregnant mom show on MTV is one of the shows brought up in this chapter and having that in your face when turn on that channel. Someone should tell MTV that the M in their name stands for music, but that isn’t much better these days. People getting pregnant to be famous is a part of the media that I really can’t stand and there are pictures of women and men in hardly any clothes is even your face at the grocery store. Reality shows that make drama just to stain the air is giving the teens these days bad advice in my mind, meaning if these kids are getting their education from these shows there is going to be may problems.  Im not saying that people weren’t premiscuous or dramatic in earlier decades because the text tells us that sex in the 20’s and 30’s was there but it wasn’t in our faces and children’s faces in those days and that is the difference. What is there to do though? I think educating our kids and spending quality time is the answer but that is way easy when I say that when I have no kids or wife and I can sit around all day if I want to. What do you think everybody?


Scott Lang