Television. Do you remember watching it as a child?

Reading the article from University of Michigan Health System was great. “Television and Children” displayed an array of interesting points throughout the article such as TV having a positive and negative side, what influence does TV have on children, and if violence on TV has an affect on children at a young age. But, the point that stood out to me the most was of television being good or bad for children. Additionally, this article also touches on other aspects of children watching television that include traumatization of the child, school performance being affected, and lastly, their health.

“Television and Children” briefly touches on how television can be entertaining for children and may have educational components such as learning different cultures, and gaining exposure to ideas they may never encounter. In addition, they also speak of the negative aspects of watching television such as learning things from TV shows their parents wouldn’t want them to learn. In agreement with both aspects, there are a lot of variables that fall into play that affect the child watching TV. Depending if the child had a good day or not may lead to wanting to watch TV. Or, it could simply be an embedded routine the child has.

The article stated that ” a great deal is known about children and television, because there have been thousands of studies on the subject.” Moreover, they touch on how researchers have studied the affects of watching television at a young age. These include, being sleep deprived, having weight issues, behavior, school performance and more.