Ten ways to think about writing

As a student In high school I always struggled with my writing, my teachers tried helping me develop my skills as a writer. However, I seemingly never found a way to really execute or exert the rules they wanted me to memories. the navel “Ten Ways to think about writing”, expresses many examples about different writing methods and provides information to college writers so that they can progress and develop as writer. For example, one of the many examples stressed in the novel expresses the idea that writers shouldn’t hold themselves back by listening to rules that make creativity harder to devolve. in the novel the author uses common rules often taught to use in grade school like always have a thesis, use concrete nouns, don’t use “I”. Theses rules became problematic for me because as a writer when you focus on a particular thing I tend to lose my creative momentum.

concepts illustrated in this novel point out the realistic problems college students indore. one of the examples given in the text that related to on a personal level, was the expression of understanding your target audience, when the audience change ,your message has to change. to make this example come to life the author gives an illustration of a college student in need for money. “ Imagine that you’ve ran out of money this semester and I told you that all you had to do was write a paper and your problems would be relieved. You still  might struggle a bit, and come up with some vague points about your situation. How ever, If I said Write to your best friend and stress your points to them, then you should suddenly have a clear idea of what you can say or should say.”(Shelley Reid 9) this example shows the importance of knowing your target audience, so that you can be direct.

Once you’ve identified a target audience, the writer then needs to put down all the detail you think of to appeal to those readers. the author states that when you have your reader don’t lose them somewhere along the way. Writers can do this by giving advice. This advice, however, does not need to be formulated in the  thesis statement or a topic sentence but needs to happen regularly so that the reader does need to happen regularly so that readers don’t miss something crucial.