That’s a Wrap

1) 3

2) 3

3) 5

4) I was able to capture what went on during the episode and correlate it with what we were studying in class.

5) I believe I could have been able to submit a few more assignments. I was pretty diligent with doing them on time then before midterms I started to forget about it. I also submitted one and it didn’t go through which started a domino effect in not remembering/caring to do them.

6) I liked associating the theories with real life examples (even if they were from a horrible show). This helped me remember them for the tests.

7) I disliked how I often we had to do it along with the show it was on. I understand the reasoning of why it was chosen to study group communication, but I feel like it is all staged which makes it hard to watch.

8) Reducing the amount of assignments due and maybe have a couple choices in shows the students want to watch and blog on. Make it be shows that are available online.