The Beginning of my Last Course!

I honestly cannot believe that we are already in the last semester of nursing school. I feel like I just blinked, and it was here. People told us when we first started that nursing school was going to go by so fast, but when you’re first starting, it’s hard to believe them.

I’m a little nervous for this course so far just because of all the technological aspects involved. However, I do know that this is going to be a great experience for us in the long run, and it’s just going to take some adjustment to get used to. I have a feeling that I’m going to like it, though. I’m already enjoying customizing my page, and I’m excited for all the different opportunities I can make from it!

One of the aspects that I really like about the course is the way the syllabus and weekly instructions are set up. It’s very organized and easy to understand. I really like how the different parts are hyperlinked for easy access and the homework is laid out for each week. I feel like this organization will definitely make the class better for all of us.

Looking forward to what this class is going to hold for us!
