The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall

I think a lot can be said about Conflict and Cohesion, when it comes to episode #3 of Survivor Blood Vs. Water.  The show itself is a testimony to Competition Conflict ie. when group members are concerned with their own goals over the goals of the group. The most successful players of the show are the ones that can pretend that the group is their first priority and when they give up that perception is when they become targeted.

John Rocker was this weeks survivor to be kicked off the show and i for one was extremely happy. His mistakes in his group were many when conflicts started arising. His first mistake was letting Val get kicked off the show. Because following that mistake he, by choice, exposed his secret alliance with Jeremy from the other team to protect Val.  Because of this, it exposed John Rocker’s Competition Conflict, ie. his own goals over that of the group.

When the orange team won the first elimination challenge, group cohesion took place, and in John Rocker’s case, when his group recognized his contributions to the group. However it was short lived after the elimination challenge, when John got in a destructive conflict with Natalie from the blue group that further exposed the target on his back.

Following the elimination challenge, Josh who has been the underlying influence of the group rallied together the votes he needed in order to eliminate John Rocker off the island. Using Group Cohesion he played on the factor that John was a destructive member of the group and created conflict due to his past.

During the tribal council, John had an immunity idol. I thought it really made a comment on the ego of that guy that he didnt play the idol, especially when Jaclyn was practically giving away the groups hidden agenda to get him kicked off the show.

Because the blue team hasn’t really been under fire, they haven’t had an opportunity really to be observed, but i am sure we will get that chance in future episodes. That is all i got, until next time. Look forward to reading your guy’s comments.