The Complexity of Ethics

Unethical Tweet Of The Month: Andrew Barovick

  1. What would take for more people to engage in the ethical actions presented?
  2. What actions are needed to change the unethical behavior into ethical behavior?

It is somewhat understandable to post something in response after a victory during elections to the opposing candidate. However, the post should not overstep boundaries, it should be considerate as to how others might take the post. Not everybody is going to see or hear what was initially meant by the post. In the article Lawyer Andrew Barovick was under the impression that he was posting a tweet that to him seemed to be somewhat funny, but not offensive. However, although his intentions where not to cause any conflict or to offend anyone, he managed to do both. Having a leadership position within the New York City Bar Association’s Medical Malpractice Committee , his comment was considered to be on a scale from 1-10, to a be a 9. Because he is seen as a leader people expected more from him, especially when they gave him the opportunity to retract from his initial post. In order to change the unethical behavior into an ethical behavior, in this case Mr. Barovick would have to apologize, to the previous post. Although he did resign from his leadership duties, his resignation is not considered to be a form of apology.

Based on your responses to the Core Values Questionnaire, what are your core values?

  1. To what degree would you say that your actions align with your values?  How would you want to improve in this area? I feel like my actions do align with my values. At least for me I always try to look out for those that i consider to be family. As well as making sure that the actions that I take part of are just. The best way in which I can improve in this area would be by considering looking at the big picture without my emotions clouding my judgement. Sometimes I tend to overlook small things when it comes to those that are closest to me.
  2. Do you think other people know your core values? I feel like they are aware of what my core values are.
  3. Are you comfortable talking about your core values with others? I am comfortable in talking with other about my core values with others.
  4. In your planning for the future (e.g. next five years), how will your values influence what you do? In the future I do believe that my core values will influence what I will be doing in the future. Personally my core values have influenced me to pursue a career of education simply because I want to have the opportunity to provide the same opportunity that I received growing up, a good education.