The End…

It has been about three days now since our departure from London and it has been a bitter sweet past couple of days. I am not too sure how to handle the culture shock of being back in the United States because it is so different from Europe. I do know that I did have the time of my life in Europe and experienced so many new things that without the university 392 course I would not have experienced otherwise. This is definitely a trip that you want to go on while in college and it is more than enough to get you immersed in a culture that is not so different yet unique in its own way. I have to say that of all the site seeing and of all the things that I have done, meeting new and interesting people was by far the most invaluable experience. It was meeting people that exposed me to the culture even more and it signified how diverse other cultures and countries really are. We advocate diversity in the United States but in Europe, diversity is a household term and it is quite visible that everyone seems to be living peacefully amongst one another. The people really helped this entire trip and I really wanted to share how wonderful the people were, because on my final day in Trafalgar Square I was asked to take a photo with French people who were really nice by the way. Here it is! And please take advantage of all of the exciting opportunities like this. I had a wonderful time, it is only goodbye until next time (: