The End: What Digital Citizenship really Means

When I first started this class I thought digital citizen meant leaving a copy of yourself by accident or purposefully on the web and because of this you should watch what you post because it influences others.

Through out this semester we have told the world about us, so to speak. We have also looked at social issues in regards to college students, and we did crap tests to see if sites were giving out reliable information. We then started a journey to the end of the earth and back we picked current social topics. I chose affordability of college tuition. We lurked and engaged and asked for answers. At the end we concluded with these topics with a better understanding of how some things should change and how we can become better.

In my experience on the topic specifically I found that politicians are politicians and that people lurk and like things but don’t dare comment. That used to be me!! During the challenge of engaging I commented on presidential candidates twitter feeds. I even tweeted to them. You have to engage to be heard and how can you be a citizen if no one hears your voice? But even if your voice falls on deaf ears at least they know of your existence and that you have something meaningful to say.

I have also learned what digital citizenship really means to me. To be a digital citizen is to understand that you have a voice, that you should use it and be engaged in important topics that you value. And in the end help in the progress of the solution . To be a digital citizen is leaving your mark on the world or even a handful of people via technology and media.

In everyday life I learned a great deal from this class that I can apply. I learned that you should be conscious of what you say online and private really isn’t private because there is a share button on everything.