The era of technology

If there was anything that I learned about attempting to stay away from my phone, it’s how overly dependent our generation is on cell phones. Between school, work, family, and friends, I was physically incapable of staying away from my phone for longer than an hour or so. I would use my phone to organize study groups, to figure out what time I needed to go to work, to google directions to the place where I was going, and so on. Granted, I’m sure that a majority of the things that I used my phone for could have been saved for when I saw the individual in person, but a lot of people now become worried or offended if a call or text is not answered within a timely manner. I don’t think that this dependence is any sort of problem (except for when people can’t get off of their phones while driving!), I just think that our generation has grown around technology to the point where it has been incorporated into the way of living. It could be compared to back when cars were first invented; sure people had lived for so long without cars, but the invention of cars made things so much easier and eventually became a daily norm to the point where now it is not even questioned.

Below I have posted a video that I think everyone in my generation should watch. We were born with all of these amazing advances in technology, that not everyone is fully appreciative of the progress that has been made in just a short amount of time. This is one of my favorite videos that I’ve watched about 100x, enjoy!