The False Genius

I swear, just last week I thought John Rocker displayed the heights of stupidity.  Boy was I wrong.  Could the people on this show be any dumber? The genius that is Drew was on full display this week.  I can understand fixing a challenge when there is an overarching plan behind the curtain.  Had Drew hatched a plan to vote someone off and was in agreeance with other tribe members then hey brillant move.  Good job establishing power over the tribe.  Of course, as seems to be how this show works, none of this was true.  As soon as he started with the cocky monolouges you knew his time was up.  Maybe these people are all high off of wild berries and mushrooms but man, could the people on this show possibly make any worse decisions?? Guess we will find out next episode.

The biggest example of a concept from this episode was shown by dearly departed friend Drew.  He displayed many of the qualities of destructive conflict.  He consistently spoke with a disrespectful tone towards his tribe mates.  The conversation he attempted to have with Jeremy about voting off Jill (sorry if I got the name wrong)  was all about Drew being destructive.  He was very inflexible and only seeking out a resolution to the issues in which he won.  Drew became so destructive as a tribe member that it threw the entire tribe into a state of chaos. This ultimately led to his dismissal.