The final Blog

  1. I would give myself a 4, I was fairly consistent on submitting my blogs on time, I thinkI missed two blogs, but beside that they were all submitted on time.
  2. I would give myself a 4, I posted a comment for every post that I submitted.
  3. I would give myself a 5, I always used the book to tie the episode back into the topic that we had covered in the book.
  4. I would say my strength was watching the episodes while sitting with my book so I could reference what I was supposed to be focusing on so I could write the most effective post possible. And I think I did a great job participating by commenting on other people’s blogs.
  5. If I posted all of the blog posts expected I could improve my blogging and participation because then I would also be commenting on a blog every week.
  6. I liked reading other people’s perspectives on the episodes. It was cool to see what other people saw differently that you did, but also what they saw that was similar.
  7. I don’t like Survivor, and I disliked watching it, so maybe some other show that wasn’t so negative? The premise is to just beat everyone at any cost, and I don’t like the negative aspect.
  8. I think overall the assignment was solid, my only suggestion would be to use a different show, but I don’t have one to suggest.